
「Atlantic Pacific Japan サマーキャンプ2021」(2日目)


昨日始まった「Atlantic Pacific Japan サマーキャンプ2021~日本と海Project~」。2日目となる本日は、「海での安全と防災について」がテーマです。(前日の記事はこちらをご覧ください)

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釜石でご自分も津波に投げ出された経験のある「宝来館」(釜石市の旅館)の女将さんのお話、釜石の高校生による「防災出前授業」、そしてAtlantic Pacific代表であるロビン・ジェンキンス氏から、海の安全についてのレクチャーとロープ結び、ライフジャケットの着用の仕方などを学びました。

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1. "Stop and think"(海に行く前に自分がすることを考える)
2. "Stay together"(一緒に行動する)
3. "Float"(浮く)
4. "Wave and call for help"(手を振って助けを呼ぶ)

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 "The participants of the AP program have had an exciting time learning about sustainability lifestyles, environmental issues concerning the ocean, and the challenge of plastic waste. Over the course students have completed group discussions based on the topics covered. They have also learned about the experience of citizens of Kamaishi, Iwate during and after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and tsunami. Likewise, they learned about four key things to remember when nearing water- and they had a chance to experience firsthand the safety gear of the AP lifeboat crew. One highlight of the week was the ropework experience- here students were taught how to tie two useful knots that are often used on boats. This was a challenge for all involved- but the smiles proved that everyone was having a good time learning together."

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